
Тест Пиннера

Food Intolerance Test – Pinner Test


Many substances that you think are healthy and that we eat cannot be absorbed by our body. If you can’t fully digest a food you eat, undissolved proteins can be absorbed through your intestines and lead to food intolerance. As a result, you may be experiencing a lot of problems and weight problems. Food intolerance is personal and differs for everyone.

We work with the American brand “Pinner Test” in Food Intolerance Testing. Please contact us for information about the Pinner Test, which is a new generation test.


WHY PinnerTest

PinnerTest is the world’s most advanced food intolerance technology
It uses Microarray Plus technology.

The Pinner Test is a blood test with which you can immediately find out which food or foods you are intolerant to. When the Pinner Test is performed, a drop of blood taken from your fingertip is examined to determine which foods your body is intolerant to and a personal nutrition plan is created that you should follow.

Pinnertest tests both food and drinks at one time. With Pinnertest, which tests the most consumed foods and drinks in the world, you can find out about the foods and drinks that you are intolerant to.

In fact, the medical world has known the concept of “Food Intolerance Testing” for a very long time, but the question mark in the minds of many doctors was the degree to which the tests to detect it were reliable.

Pinnertest is a New Generation Food Intolerance Testing Method that uses advanced Microarray IgG Analysis to determine food sensitivities..


Inability to lose weight
Chronic fatigue
Skin problems
Rheumatic diseases
Stomach cramps
Sleep disorders
Respiratory tract h.
Chronic Pharyngitis
Don’t be constantly cold
Sores in the mouth
Epigastric Pains
Crohn’s disease
Irritable Bowel
Getting the flu frequently
Chronic runny nose


Microarray Analysis is the Most Sensitive and Scientifically Accepted Test Method. Pinnertest is a New Generation Food Intolerance Testing Method that uses advanced Microarray IgG Analysis to determine food sensitivities.


The survey conducted among 2500 patients who had Deciphered the Pinner Test gave the following results, patients;

90% of them say that they recommend the Pinner Test to everyone based on their own positive experience…
72% of them, as a result of this test, their health condition has improved significantly…
78% of them stated that 90% of the symptoms that had improved when they included foods that had been diagnosed as problematic back into their nutrition plans over time came back again.


How is the Pinner Test Performed?

You can have the PinnerTest performed by giving a drop of blood sample in the Istanbul Laboratory.

If you are outside Istanbul or if you want to take a blood sample yourself, you can take it at your fingertip and send it to us by cargo in an extremely simple way with a special kit specially developed by Pinner Test, which we will send to your home or workplace anywhere in Turkey.

You can send the sample to us by yourself by Cargo or call us and we will take the sample from you.

Wash your hands with soap.
Wipe your hand with sterile paper from the box
Remove the plastic part at the end of the needle
Put the needle on the tip of your finger and press the section above it
Remove a sizeable drop of blood by rubbing it from your finger
Suck the blood until the cotton that comes out of it becomes completely red
Put the cotton in the plastic casing




The following foods are examined with the Pinner test; (200 Foods )
MEATS; Veal, Turkey, Lamb, Duck, Rabbit Meat, Chicken Meat, Quail Meat
CEREALS; Akdar, Barley, Broad Beans, Wheat, Rye, Gluten, Buckwheat, Quinoa, Dried Beans, Lentils, Corn, Chickpeas, Rice, Soybeans, Oats
Animal products, cow’s milk, goat’s milk, sheep’s milk, egg white,egg yolk
MAHSULELRI SEA; Octopus, Trout, sea bream, octopus ,flounder ,anchovies, lobster, mackerel, sardines ,salmon, turbot, Shrimp, swordfish, sea bass, bluefish, Mezgi, mussels, squid, Bonito, sardine, salmon, red mullet, tuna, mackerel ,crab, eel
VEGETABLES; stuffed vine leaves, Okra, beans, peas, cowpeas, sweet potatoes, Bush beans, tomatoes, Bell peppers, tomatoes, Artichokes, Rose, Carrot, Endive, spinach, cabbage, Dandelion, Broccoli, celery, red Endive, red cabbage, radish, asparagus, cabbage, mushrooms, lettuce, parsley, beets, potatoes, eggplant, Swiss chard, Leeks, Arugula, Cucumber, Purslane, Senna, Onion, Turnip, Watercress, yams
FRUIT; Acai Blossom, Raspberry, Pineapple, Pear, Avocado, Quince , raspberry, strawberry, Mulberry, apple, plum, currant, Grapefruit, Persimmon, Orange, Figs, watermelon, cantaloupe, apricots, cranberries, Cherries, Kiwi fruit, currant, lychee, lime, lemon, Tangerine, mango, banana, Pomegranate, oranges, peaches, Grapes, cherries, blueberries, Olive
SEEDS / SEEDS; Pistachios, Sunflower Seeds, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Walnuts, Pine Nuts, Nigella, Grass, Hazelnuts, Poppy, Coconut, Cashew, Canola, Chestnut, Flaxseed, Sesame Seeds, Peanuts
DRINKS; Sage Tea, Anise, Tea, Echinacea, Ginseng, Hibiscus, Linden, Nettle, Coffee, Cocoa, Bean, Red Bush Tea, Cola Nut, Rosehip, Mate, Chamomile, Papaya, Fennel, Salep, Jasmine
SPICES; pepper, Juniper, rosemary, bay leaves, basil, mustard seeds, cardamom, capers, black pepper, grain, clove, thyme, Cumin, Coriander, Lavender, Coral Lodge Grass, Nutmeg, mint, saffron, Garlic, Hops, cinnamon, vanilla, Allspice, Ginger, Turmeric
OTHERS; Agar, Agave, Maple Molasses, Aloe Vera, Aspartame, Honey, Fructose, Baking Powder, Carob, Yeast, Saccharin, Sugar beet

Food Intolerance and Immune System Reaction
This problem, which usually arises from the lack of enzymes to digest these foods, triggers the defense system. Our body perceives them as enemies, as if they were a virus or bacteria, and begins to produce IgG antibodies. As a result of this, inflammation can occur in our body, which can sometimes last for a very long time. This food intolerance, which arises from the inability to digest food, can lead to many negative effects, from weight gain to weakness.

Vicious Circle
If you have a food intolerance, this food can lead to inflammation in your intestines. This inflammation disrupts the intestinal tissue and can make it even more permeable. The most scientific way to find out your intolerance is to learn about foods with an advanced test and remove them from your diet.

By taking the Pinner Test, you can find out your connection with these foods. Is it useful for you? Or is it harmful?



Developing medicine has proven that food intolerance has a very significant effect on weight gain and various diseases



For healthy serotonin production, have a healthy digestive system
it is necessary to be. Food Intolerance suppresses the production of serotonin in the body.