
Carotid Vertebral Doppler

karotis vertebral doppler

What is Carotid Vertebral Doppler?

In order to detect the narrowing of the neck vessels as a result of stroke and dizziness, assistance is obtained from carotid vertebral Doppler application.

The two large blood vessels that supply most of the brain area with oxygenated blood are called the carotid arteries. In this way, it is the area where speech, thinking, personality, sensory-motor functions take place.

The pulse is felt in different places in our body. It can be felt in the carotid arteries on both sides of the neck and in the area just below the jawline. In order to find out the cause of the dizziness and loss of balance here, assistance is taken from the application of carotid vertebral Doppler.

It is also known as ultrasound evaluation of the jugular vein among the public. Calcification may occur in the carotid and vertebral arteries. It can break off due to calcifications and cause the brain to occlude the vessels.

A tear or clot may occur with the obstruction. Problems can be seen as symptoms in this way in patients.

It starts with dizziness and progresses to stroke. As a result, blood flow in the vertebral artery decreases, resulting in loss of balance and speech disorder.

How Is Carotid Vertebral Doppler Done?

In order for the application to take place, the patient must be placed on the back on the stretcher. In the meantime, it is not recommended to put a pillow under the patient’s head. Care should be taken to keep the head slightly back to perform more accurate imaging.

With the carotid vertebral Doppler, the patient’s head should be turned first to the right and then to the left. In the application, first the gray scale and then the colored veins are displayed.

The anterior carotid arteries and posterior veins are examined. Measurements are made for the size of the plaques in the vessel and their locations are determined, and a report is prepared. The flow velocity of the plaques is determined by carotid vertebral Doppler.

As a result of the determinations, the change in flow velocities is taken into consideration and this situation is determined by the spectral analysis method. Stenosis occurs when the flow velocity is high.

If there is a stenosis, the increase in the flow velocity compared to other regions is detected, and the stenosis rate is determined more accurately.

How Is Carotid Vertebral Doppler Taken?

It is the treatment method used to diagnose and diagnose the patient in case of problems such as dizziness, occlusion of the arteries and stroke.

Occlusion in the carotid vessels causes stenosis in the neck vessels and together with it, the brain suffers from nutritional problems.

There is a rating according to the type of problem seen. Carotid vertebral doppler, The patient is not required to make any preparations for the procedure to take place.

The patient is placed supine on the stretcher. There is absolutely no exposure of radiation during the procedure. In order to perform the imaging more accurately, x-ray gel is applied on the ultrasound probe device and moved to the neck area.

Carotid vertebral Doppler does not harm the patient at all. There is no pain or suffering. It is a painless screening test. It is sought if there are plaques and blood clots formed here.

By narrowing the arteries, it is checked whether they are blocked or not. Thanks to the application, the movement of the vessels in the blood is detected.

Is Carotid Vertebral Doppler Harmful?

The narrowing of the neck veins is of great importance for the carotid vertebral Doppler. It plays a role in eliminating the risk of death or stroke that may occur in the patient and in preparing the treatment plan.

Occlusion of the carotid artery creates occlusions in the artery. As a result of occlusion, the risk of stroke increases. It helps prevent stroke, which has a high risk of death worldwide.

The patient has absolutely no pain during the procedure. After the procedure is performed, no damage occurs to the patient. During the procedure, the patient is absolutely not affected by radiation.

It is the treatment method used to prevent the discomfort and problem that occurs in the patient. During the procedure, the radiologist can make comments as a result of the examinations and the problems here can be expressed to the patient.

It is carried out in a very short time and the patient does not suffer from pain.

Is Preparation Required for Carotid Vertebral Doppler?

As a result of vascular occlusion or narrowing, carotid vertebral Doppler is applied. It helps in the removal of atherosclerotic plaques that cause occlusion of the vessels as a result of interventional methods.

Thus, it is of great importance to change the type of treatment to be applied. There is no need for any preparation for the patient here. For the vertebral Doppler procedure, only the patient is asked to lie on his back on the stretcher in front of the device.

The procedure, which is performed with the help of an ultrasound device, is performed in the problem area. The process can vary between approximately 15-30 minutes. A report is prepared in line with the findings and it is ready in a very short time.

Carotid Vertebral Doppler Price 2023

As a result of the examination performed, assistance is obtained from the application of carotid vertebral Doppler for imaging. This opportunity can be used in the imaging centers of hospitals.

There is price variability in the institutions and organizations of the realized application. The equipment used here may vary in private hospitals.

The price is determined according to the quality of the materials in the market. This price will also be reflected in health institutions. There is a price list according to the technological products used and the condition of the hospital.

It is possible for the person to get the carotid vertebral Doppler price 2023 in the imaging technique. For this, you can get price information by contacting the relevant places. More detailed information can be obtained after the interview.