
Herpes Simplex

Herpes Simplex ( HSV ) Test


What is Herpes Simplex HSV ?

Herpes is a common infection caused by viruses. These viruses that cause cold sores are called Herpes Simplex Viruses. It usually occurs on the lips and around the mouth. These herpes, which start with itching, come out in the form of liquid-filled blisters and then burst and turn into wounds.

Herpes Simplex HSV Test

The virus detected by the HSV test is viral DNA or virus antibodies.

Herpes culture

A sample is taken from an open wound. The virus is replicated and isolated in a nutrient medium. The herpes culture test takes around 2 days to complete. Fresh wounds work best for this test. Viral spills decrease over time and can cause a false negative result. When Herpes Simplex Viruses are grown in culture, it is possible to determine whether they are HSV-1 or HSV-2.

HSV PCR test

It is done to detect the genetic material of the HSV virus in the sample taken. HSV DNA testing is usually done when the Herpes culture is negative. The result of herpes culture may not be sufficient for the doctor to decide on the treatment of herpes. Herpes virus can be typed and quantified with the HSV DNA test. Good results are obtained in lesions that are a few days old with a small number of viruses. HSV DNA test is the best method in diagnosing meningitis, encephalitis or keratitis due to HSV, and it is the most sensitive among the tests.

HSV Antibody test

A few days after the HSV virus is infected, HSV IgM antibodies form in our body, these special proteins released into the bloodstream to fight the infection can be detected in the blood for a few weeks.

Another antibody called HSV IgG starts after the production of HSV IgM. If infected with HSV, low amounts of HSV IgG continue to be produced. The HSV antibody test can detect both viral types (HSV-1 and HSV-2) and is suitable for measuring IgM antibodies that form the earliest and IgG antibodies that will remain forever in infected individuals.

After being infected with the Herpes Simplex Virus, the chance of herpes recurring is quite high. Some people have herpes 2-3 times a year, but some people who are infected with the Herpes Simplex Virus only get herpes once in their life, and there are also people who do not have herpes on their bodies even though they have the virus. After the Herpes Simplex Virus goes dormant in nerve cells, it may not be activated for life.

Herpes labilis on the lips is called Herpes labilis, and herpes infection in the genital area is called herpesgenitalis. There are two types, Type 1 and Type 2. Herpes virus type 1 usually causes infections in the face area such as around the lips and nose, while herpes virus type 2 causes infections in the genital area.

How is Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Transmitted?

Herpes virus is transmitted by direct skin contact. Viruses are transmitted in line with contact with the person carrying the virus, such as kissing, sexual intercourse, using the same towel. Viruses enter the body through cracks in the skin. They settle in nerve cells and proceed along the fibers of these nerves to the nerve center called ganglion. Then they begin to form lesions in the skin or mucous membrane of that area.

Herpes Simplex HSV 1 Symptoms

Water-filled blisters form on the face, lips, nose and mouth, and these blisters open in a very short time and turn into ulcer wounds. Then, these wounds that are watered over become crusted, the crusts are yellow and white, haha, then the crusts soften and fall off on their own. It leaves a brown stain in places at first. It then turns into a brown mark.

Herpes Simplex HSV 2 Symptoms

It holds the genital area. The groin may involve the outer lips of the vagina in women, the inner part, the area between the anus and the vagina, the cervix, the part of the penis especially close to the body in men, rarely the glans, testicles, and buttocks.

More than half of people with the disease do not know they have the disease. The virus that enters the body is not always active. In a sense, it lurks and waits for the body’s immune system to weaken.

Agents activating the lurking Herpes Simplex virus

  • menstrual period
  • Severe diabetes
  • Surgery
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Excessive intake of vitamin A
  • Infections
  • Staying in the sun
  • Pregnancy
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Anemia
  • Polygamy and unprotected sex
  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Fever diseases that reduce body resistance
  • Poor Nutrition
  • Fatigue
  • High fever

This sexually transmitted infection is caused by a virus that lives in the nerves. There are two general types of herpes. Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) usually causes cold sores around the mouth. Herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2) usually causes sores in the genital area. However, it is also possible to acquire HSV-2 in the mouth and HSV-1 in the genital area. Symptoms include itchy or painful blisters. The virus spreads through wound-to-skin contact, but it can spread to an infected person even without a wound. In most people, sores come and go, but the virus remains in the body for life. Sometimes there are no symptoms because the virus is “hiding” in the nerves. Some women living with HIV did not experience such blisters or itching prior to contracting HIV and were stunned when an “epidemic” occurred.

Genital HSV-2 infection is more common in women than men. In addition, women living with HIV may have more frequent or difficult to treat herpes outbreaks. There is no cure for herpes, but antiviral medications can reduce the number of outbreaks if taken daily and, as soon as symptoms are taken, reduce outbreaks and make them even more severe. Val.-.trex was also found to reduce the risk of transmission of the infection to someone else. Pregnant women can pass herpes to their babies, so it’s important to let your obstetrician know if you have genital herpes or are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.