
HIV/AIDS Symptoms

HIV-Aids Symptoms



Symptoms of AIDS differ at each stage after the virus enters the body. AIDS symptoms that occur after infection with the HIV virus are not very obvious. Since these symptoms are not directly specific to AIDS, they can be confused with symptoms of other diseases and infections. If you have had a suspected sexual contact, getting an HIV test is important for both you and the people around you. If you have unprotected sex with multiple partners, getting an HIV test is even more important.

When do AIDS symptoms start?

Shortly after the HIV virus enters the body (in the acute period), flu-like infection symptoms appear. Such viral infections, which can be seen 2-6 weeks after the transmission of the HIV virus, are short-term and temporary.

What are the symptoms of AIDS?

Symptoms such as high fever, sore throat, skin rash and rash are often seen. In addition to such HIV symptoms; Early HIV symptoms such as fatigue, night sweats, headache, joint and muscle aches, weakness, and formation of glands can be seen.

All of the above-mentioned symptoms can vary from person to person, because each person’s immune system is different and the course of early HIV symptoms may be different with the introduction of the HIV virus into the body.

While some people do not have any symptoms of HIV in the early period (acute period), some people may experience symptoms of other diseases, so HIV infection can be confused with other diseases.

The absence of HIV symptoms does not mean that the person is not infected with the HIV virus, similarly, experiencing these symptoms does not mean that the person has acquired the HIV virus.

If you have had an unprotected, suspicious sexual intercourse, you should have an HIV Test to find out for sure whether you are infected with HIV.

Early detection of the HIV virus has great advantages, and treatment is more successful when detected in the early period. It also ensures that measures are taken to prevent the spread of HIV, which is detected at an early stage, to others.

Early Aids Symptoms

  • FeverNight sweats
  • Sore throat
  • Swelling in the lymph nodes
  • Rash and Dermatitis
  • Muscle Aches and Joint Pains (arthralgia)
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

In people infected by the HIV virus; Many diseases that are harmless in normal times begin to be effective because the immune system is weakened.

In these patients, enlargement of the lymph nodes, diarrhea, cough, herpes and thrush in the mouth area, common wounds and red spots on the body, long-term fever, night sweats, weight loss are seen.

As the immune system weakens, opportunistic infections such as fungal and protozoan diseases occur. These HIV symptoms go away on their own within 2 to 4 weeks.

Early diagnosis is important after a suspected sexual intercourse or contact, in such cases it is very important to have HIV test to protect both your treatment, your relatives and other individuals in the community.

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