
SMA Carrier Test

sma taşıyıcı testi

What Causes Sma Disease?

The Sma carrier test is one of the most curious and frequently researched topics recently. Sma disease develops when the weakness seen in the nervous and muscular systems is not treated and negatively affects the daily life of the person. Sma disease can also be found in the person due to the defects on the 5th chromosome of a gene called SMN1 seen in the person. In addition, the absence of the SMN1 gene in the individual is among the main causes of sma disease.

With the emergence of Sma disease in the person, the treatment process is entered. So let’s not be late to get an sma carrier test. As there is no definitive solution for Sma, our experts start their studies by aiming to control and manage the symptoms of the disease. One of the most disturbing conditions of Sma disease is the problems that the person has in breathing. For this reason, it may be considered appropriate by the physician to provide breathing with a mouth mask or an oxygen tube. There is no guarantee that we will not be carriers of a disease that changes our living conditions so much.

Sma Carrier Test

Sma is known as a kind of hereditary muscle disease that restricts developmental activities. This disorder, which is in the neuromuscular diseases group, does not show any effect on involuntary muscles. The intelligence level of individuals with Sma is normal or above normal. For this reason, it is an autosomal recessive disease. Sma patients are frequently seen in many people, including our country. Since sma will be passed from parents to children as carriers, the diagnosis of the disease is made with the sma carrier test.

Although Sma disease is seen in four different types, we encounter the mildest one in general. While the quality of life decreases in Sma patients, it also causes the person to be deprived of these skills such as swallowing, head control, breathing difficulties, sitting, arm and leg movements. Sma disease involves a very difficult and exhausting process. Due to the severity of the disease, an SMA carrier test is done for couples before marriage. As Labistanbul, we continue to be with you at every stage of your illness and follow your test flow.

How is the Sma Carrier Test Performed?

Sma, which is a hereditary disease, is seen in one out of every 50 people in our country. The most reliable, economical and healthy way for the emergence of sma disease is to have an sma carrier test. Among the reasons for performing sma tests, the main reason for sma carriers is that they do not give any indication of the presence of the disease.

However, many people in our country get sma disease and are unaware of the presence of the disease until the results of the sma carrier test done before marriage. If sma is diagnosed in couples before marriage, there is no harm in having a baby with treatment.
In order to be aware of the presence of Sma disease, electromyography can be performed on people who have exceeded muscle weakness. Such EMG shots reveal the weaknesses in the neural transmissions experienced in the patient’s muscles. We can also see the definitive diagnosis of your Sma disease when we notice your gene and chromosome deficiencies in our expert teams. The Sma carrier test is done carefully and carefully by our specialist physicians, and you can be sure that you will get healthy results from our company.

Who is the Sma Carrier Test Applied to?

Sma disease can occur in four different types that we mentioned above. Often couples realize when they are carriers of this disease, when they give birth to a sick child. In addition, in consanguineous marriages that are made frequently throughout our country, the probability of the couple being both carriers for sma disease is high, so the probability of the birth of a sick child is quite high. For this reason, sma carrier test for couples before marriage plays a major role in making important decisions about the future of the person and initiating treatment processes. So much so that when we confirm the presence of the disease in our SMA carrier tests, if there is a condition such as pregnancy, we enter the prenatal treatment process from the first weeks.

There is no harm in doing the Sma carrier test when symptoms are seen in our babies who have just opened their eyes to the world. Your sma carrier tests performed by our company result in correct information within an average of 4 weeks. In addition, if a person with SMA has had a child without being aware of the disease, it is absolutely necessary to carry out diagnostic tests in the next childbearing process of parents. Our company provides you with the most accurate information about the emergence of your sma disease and treatment methods, within the scope of specialist physicians.

To Whom Sma Carrier Test Is Not Applied?

Sma disease, which is caused by nerve cells, is among the disorders that people can notice by performing an SMA carrier test. Sma disease does not cause any symptoms unless it starts in people severely, and many people, including our country, may be sma carriers.

For this reason, it is easily learned whether the person has this disease with the sma carrier test performed before marriage. H

Our specialist physicians, who serve you with the emergence of asthma, give accurate results that do not mislead in the results of the SMA carriage test. Sma disease is very likely to be seen in many people, including newborn babies.

In sma disease, it is confirmed by performing the sma carrier test whether you are a carrier or not. Since the Sma carrier test can be performed on people who are sick at a young age, they do not show any side effects in terms of health. For this reason, there is no harm in performing the test when SMA symptoms are seen, suitable for all age groups. The test of our patients who have heart, kidney and lung diseases should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Sma Carrier Test Pre-Marriage

Although sma disease has limited vital activities, being a carrier of sma does not affect daily life. Although SMA Disease is rarely seen in our country, on the contrary, SMA Carrier is encountered in many people. In addition, according to the researches, an average of 300 babies with sma are born annually in our country whose parents are sma carriers. For this reason, sma carrier test is done to couples before marriage.

The Sma carrier test is among the test groups that are easy and result in a short time. There is no such thing as a child with sma will not be born from the marriage of healthy couples. Even if the parents are healthy, their children can be carriers of SMA.

Since no findings are found in sma carriers, it is among the best decisions to have an sma carrier test.

What Is The Sma Genetic Test And Why Is It Requested?

Sma, which arises due to the weakness of individuals in the nervous system and skeletal musculature, is a genetic and hereditary disease. Although sma, which is in the group of motor neuron diseases, has no definite treatment, it is seen very rarely in people, while sma carrier is frequently encountered in many people in our country. Sma genetic tests are requested by our physicians when any signs of the disease are observed in people or when the blood test results are abnormal. In suspected cases of sma disease, first of all, sma carrier test is performed and genetic tests are performed together with the patient being a carrier and definitive results are obtained.

Where is the Sma Carrier Test Performed?

When symptoms of sma disease are seen or in premarital couples, the sma carrier test is performed for control purposes. At the same time, there is no harm in performing SMA tests in babies born to healthy parents. SMA tests are done in all health institutions. Health institutions can also do free scans from time to time in line with their wishes.

Sma Carrier Test Fee 2023

SMA carrier, which is common in our country, can be learned by conducting tests with the development of technology. But people are curious about the price information of the most popular carrier tests in their research.

It would not be correct to give a clear price information about Sma carrier tests. Companies may charge different prices for sma tests in private health institutions, excluding state institutions. In this sense, it is not correct to give clear information about the sma 2023 carrier tests. However, we can state that the tests are free from time to time and are suitable for every budget. Contact us immediately for sma carrier test fee.