
What is Check-Up?

check up

What is Check-Up?

check up; It is the name given to general health screenings for early diagnosis of people. It is a whole body examination for people who have Check UP, both to be aware of the risks related to their health early and to take precautions against diseases. The general aim is to take precautions before the disease occurs and early diagnosis is always important in diseases. Check UP examinations, which are vital in terms of early diagnosis and diagnosis, are extremely important and health screenings that should not be delayed. These are the names given to the health screening that even healthy people should have once a year.

Why Should We Have a Check-Up?

Health is a condition that must be considered in order not to experience material and moral losses. It is very important to have a check UP in terms of early diagnosis before the loss of health and the onset of the disease. All of the examinations carried out in order to take early precautions against possible diseases by passing the health screening of the body are collected under the name of check UP. Some diseases do not show symptoms when they occur, and for this reason, it is important for an individual who feels healthy to have a check UP in terms of early diagnosis.

When Should You Have a Check-Up?

People generally apply to a doctor when they are sick, and this causes delays in the treatment of some diseases. Although there are criteria that differ according to age, gender and genetic characteristics, healthy individuals should have a check UP once a year as of the age of 20. Especially after the age of 35-40, it is vital for every individual to have a check UP in order to take early precautions for diseases. It is a valid period for individuals who are healthy once a year. If there is a genetic problem or if there is any suspicion of discomfort, it is important to consult with the doctor about the periods.

How Does the Check Up Process Work?

Before having a Check UP, a pre-interview with the specialist physician should be made and the situation should be evaluated. In this preliminary interview with the specialist physician, questions that will affect the patient’s age, medications and many other health screenings are asked, and the check UP process begins. Before Check UP is made, it is necessary to be on an empty stomach and to specify the time by making an appointment 24 hours in advance. After all your health screening, it will be beneficial in the early diagnosis of the disease by evaluating the situation in the opinions of the specialist physicians.

Things to Do Before Check-up

Persons who need to have a check UP and want to have a check UP must make an appointment with a suitable health center that suits them. Check UP procedures require some preliminary preparations and it is a process that must be followed by the recommendations of the specialist physician. In Check UP screening, a 12-hour fast is required in order for laboratory tests to give accurate results and to be fast. It is recommended to drink only water after dinner, not to drink alcohol, caffeine or other beverages. If there is an abdominal ultrasound in Check UP shots, you should drink plenty of water and your bladder should be full. It is important not to keep chemicals such as perfumes and deodorants in the body and to inform your doctor if you have any medications that you use regularly.

What are the Actions to be Taken During the Check Up Service?

Since Check UP procedures contain many examinations and analyzes together, the process must proceed by following the warnings and recommendations of the specialist physician. Care should be taken to ensure that all examinations and analyzes are carried out as desired, and the rules that must be followed beforehand should be observed. If you do not have a follow-up nurse, the person should place the results in his/her file as they come out and prepare them to present to the relevant doctor. After all the results are collected, the specialist physician will inform the patient about the situation and will guide the necessary treatment.

Check-Up Packages

Check UP packages are prepared differently in every health institution, but also with contents that differ according to the age, gender and diseases of the patient. For this reason, information about the package contents should be obtained and necessary preparations should be made beforehand. In general, check UP packages should include tests such as complete blood count, blood and blood sugar measurement, physical examination by a specialist physician, heart tests and lung x-rays, hormone tests for women, and urinalysis. These examinations are filed one by one and presented to the relevant specialist physician in the form of a report. While Check UP packages are standard in some health institutions, they can be elaborated by adding additional contents depending on the patient’s condition or taking into account their continuing ailments.

Check Up Prices

Check UP procedures can be in standard packages, or they can be expanded with additional tests that vary depending on the general condition of the patient. This is a situation that can have an impact on check UP prices. While some health institutions can offer special discounts by offering package programs to people who want to have check-ups, some health institutions carry out check-up transactions with high-priced costs. The person should definitely learn the contents of the check UP by making a preliminary interview with the specialist physician and know which examinations to request. Attention should be paid to the fact that the center where Check UP will be made is a health institution and the results should be evaluated by the specialist physician. Otherwise, the ground will be prepared for the emergence of health problems as well as false results. Getting information about check UP prices by doing good research will also prevent you from experiencing a victimization later.

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