
Home Sperm Test

Sperm Tests from Pharmacies

Infertility is a situation that no man who wants to have a baby does not want to happen to him. When couples cannot have a baby, one of the first tests done when they go to the doctor is the sperm test. Sperm test, aka spermiogram test, is a difficult test for men.
This test can have psychological effects for many men. This prejudice is found in most men. However, this prejudice is absolutely wrong, because this test is very important for the diagnosis of infertility.

Some of the men who cannot have children, for the reasons we have mentioned above, are hesitant to consult a doctor and want to solve this situation with their own methods. For this, they use sperm tests sold in pharmacies. We can partially answer the question of whether a sperm test can be done at home.

The examination of sperm taken from men for infertility diagnosis is a very serious and important task. For this reason, examinations are made for hours by experts in this field, and as a result, it is understood whether the person has infertility. When a home sperm test is performed, many people want to understand whether they are infertile according to this test result, but this does not give a definite result. Because in sperm samples taken from men, only the number of sperm is not important. The diagnosis of infertility is made as a result of the examination of important criteria such as the shape, movement and fluidity of the sperm. However, kits that allow home sperm testing only provide a rough determination of the number of sperm in men.

Are Home Sperm Tests Safe?

As we mentioned above, sperm tests from pharmacies provide a rough determination of the sperm count. Most of the time, this method can lead to a huge waste of time. Because even if the sperm count as a result of this test is normal, infertility can still be seen in the man who does the test. Because there may be other factors that cause infertility. Sperm deformities and serious decreases in motility are important factors. Therefore, when faced with infertility, sperm tests should be performed in special laboratory environments by consulting a specialist doctor instead of sperm tests taken from pharmacies to detect this situation.