
Kruger Test

What is the Kruger Test?

Morphology, which is one of the parameters of the sperm test, that is, the structural and shape evaluation of sperm cells is often done with a method called “kruger test”.

The Kruger test is a very strict evaluation method, it accepts the sperm as abnormal in the smallest problem in the sperm structure.

This strict evaluation should not worry the couples who are expecting to have a baby, if the sperm count and motility are sufficient, low morphology alone (even 1%) does not prevent pregnancy.

Low morphology values ​​do not require in vitro fertilization treatment immediately, other parameters, namely sperm count and motility, should be evaluated together. In addition, low morphology does not lead to abnormal baby birth.

The Kruger test has been used since 1986 with the criteria determined by a scientist named Kruger.

The Kruger method is an effective method for measuring structural deformities in sperm. The basis of the Kruger method; It is about determining the shape (morphology) characteristics of the sperms after staining the sperms with a special dye and determining the fertility capacity of the sperms.

Kruger test should be done in competent hands. To get more detailed information about the Kruger test, to have a Kruger test or to learn the price of the Kruger test, it is sufficient to call the Istanbul Laboratories call center (444 7 522).