
Obstetric Color Doppler

obstetrik renkli doppler

What is Obstetric (Pregnancy) Color Doppler?

During pregnancy, great attention should be paid to the health of the mother and her baby. From the beginning of pregnancy, obstetric color Doppler ultrasound procedures are performed to monitor the pregnancy. Routine pregnancy controls are performed by transferring sound waves to the monitor with obstetric color Doppler.

In order to control the development of the mother and baby during the birth process, regular check-ups should be made by a gynecology and obstetrics gynecologist from the first moment of pregnancy. An obstetric color Doppler ultrasound device is used to have information about the development of the fetus, its height, growth disorders and gestational week during pregnancy.

Thanks to this ultrasound imaging, many problems related to the baby are noticed beforehand and necessary solutions are planned. This method, which is frequently preferred during pregnancy, does not have any negative effects or risks for the baby.

Thanks to pregnancy color Doppler, an impression is made about the development of the fetus and its heartbeat. Thanks to this method, which allows seeing the baby, it is possible to detect abnormal situations that may occur in the baby in advance.

Obstetric color Doppler procedures are easily performed in a short time. With this method, which offers the chance to observe the development of the baby and the umbilical cord, the human body can be displayed in color.

How is Obstetric (Pregnancy) Color Doppler Done?

Color Doppler, which is performed from the first week of pregnancy, is a very simple and painless procedure that is performed in a short period of about 15-20 minutes.

Before obstetric color Doppler procedures, people do not need to do any preparation. After the necessary tests and examinations by the specialist obstetrician, people are requested to lie on their back.

The gel is applied to the area to be treated, allowing the device to move freely. The specialist doctor examines the current situation of the baby in detail by moving the ultrasound device. He/she evaluates the baby’s weight, development, sac, cord and length by making a detailed examination.

Pregnancy color doppler, which provides information about the health of the baby in the mother’s womb, should be performed at certain periods during the pregnancy period.

It is recommended for all pregnant women to apply this method, which is very important for maternal and infant health. In some cases, detailed ultrasound may be requested for the baby’s health.

At the same time, pregnancy color doppler, which provides information about the blood circulation of the baby, is a very important procedure in terms of controlling the health status of the mother.

Why is Obstetric (Pregnancy) Color Doppler Requested?

Pregnancy color Doppler procedures, which are performed to monitor the health of the mother and baby more closely, are used very frequently during pregnancy.

This method, which is also used in the determination of some diseases related to the baby; Finding the danger of miscarriage is also very often preferred to follow the routine checks of expectant mothers.

In addition, obstetric color Doppler is performed in order to monitor the healthy development of the baby in the control of pregnancy-related negativities such as blood pressure and sugar. In multiple pregnancies, this method is used to control the development of babies and to understand the pregnancy situation in the mother’s womb.

In the later stages of pregnancy, detailed examination of the condition and anatomical structure of the baby in the mother’s womb is provided. Osteoarthritis color doppler allows to control the position of the baby in the womb and to follow the sac closely.

Pregnancy color Doppler procedures, which are performed almost in all controls during the pregnancy period, are important for the follow-up of pregnancy. It provides a more detailed examination of the early pregnancy situation and the anatomical structure of the baby.

In some cases, it also allows the necessary treatment to be applied before any risk or disease condition is seen. Obstetric color Doppler should be done during pregnancy for a closer examination of the baby’s health.

In addition, color Doppler is also used to control the blood flow in the veins and to make the controls that occur in some organs.

Who is Obstetric (Pregnancy) Color Doppler Applied?

In routine pregnancy controls, some examinations and tests are performed to detect and follow up an abnormality in the baby.

These examinations, performed by specialist obstetricians, provide information about the evaluation of pregnancy and the development of the baby.

Obstetric color Doppler is a very comfortable and safe procedure that does not have any drawbacks. It can be done throughout the pregnancy, starting in the first weeks of pregnancy.

This method, which can be performed every week of pregnancy, does not cause any harm to the mother or the baby. It helps the specialist doctor to have information about the current situation and to inform the mother.

It is used to examine the number, location, development of the gestational sac, the baby’s heartbeat and rate, and the evaluation of the cervix. In addition, in twin and triplet pregnancies, it provides information about the development of babies one by one and their spouses.

Obstetric color Doppler results are given to the mother as a report. Ultrasound images must be submitted to the physician for evaluation by the specialist physician.

Obstetric (Pregnancy) Color Doppler Price 2023

Obstetric color doppler prices vary according to the health institution where the procedure will be performed. During pregnancy, you should be in contact with a specialist obstetrician for routine pregnancy control and follow-up.

For detailed information about obstetric color Doppler prices, which are very important for maternal and infant health, the hospital where the procedure will be performed should be contacted.

Obstetric color Doppler ultrasound imaging can be performed in public hospitals, private hospitals and many health institutions.