
Paternity Test

How to Take a Paternity Test

With new methods, paternity tests can be done without taking samples from the mother. Paternity tests of children born after intercourse can be determined only from a mucous sample taken from the mouth, without taking any sample from the mother, or from a swab sample taken from the inside of the cheek and blood, as in the case of throat culture.

In this method, in tests with 16 DNA markers; Paternity determination can be made at values ​​ranging from 99.9% to 99.999%. In the Father-Child DNA test, only the DNA passed from father to child is determined. For greater certainty or in doubtful cases; It may be necessary to participate in the paternity test in the sample taken from the mother. There is no need for this, as this situation is rarely encountered. A sample of the mother may also be requested in cases where there is a risk of contamination of the sample by other people’s DNA.

The father-child example is sufficient. At the same time, the precision of the tests does not change according to the characteristics of the sample material. Hair samples are not accepted. The test results in 7-10 days after sample delivery to the laboratory.

Paternity testing requires the written consent/consent of the prospective mother or prospective father, otherwise the test cannot be performed. You can obtain the WRITTEN PERMISSION FORM on this subject from the LABORATORY. For people outside of Istanbul, sample -sample sticks or blood tubes, consent forms can be sent by the laboratory, signed by the laboratory, and photocopies of the ID attached and delivered to the laboratory. The results can be sent to you via cargo or e-mail, and customers can get the necessary comments from the laboratory doctors by phone.

As ​​a laboratory that has been conducting DNA analyzes for many years, we have been serving in international standards in paternity tests. We work with a total of 17 markers, including FBI markers, and give our results at a rate exceeding 99.9999%.

With these markers, personal DNA profiles can be easily drawn and analyzed. Considering that such a DNA profile can be found once in 180 trillion, it is clear how reliable the results are.

Sample Acceptance Rules

Istanbul Laboratories’ Paternity Tests are being studied domestically. In case of any legal objection about the reliability of the test, you have a legal contact within the borders of the Republic of Turkey. However, the same assurance is not available for other companies that send the paternity test abroad. In case of any legal objection, these companies direct you to laboratories abroad, so it becomes very difficult to defend your rights abroad.

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