
Infertility Tests

INfertility (Infertility) TESTS

Infertility is defined as the absence of pregnancy despite regular sexual life for one year without the use of birth control methods. In general, 8-12% of couples in the world have infertility problems. As there are many known causes of infertility related to male and female individuals, the number of infertile couples whose cause cannot be determined is quite high. However, thanks to the developing treatment methods, most of them can have children.

Other factors leading to infertility in male individuals:

Possible causes of sperm related infertility:

It is thought to constitute 1/3 of infertile couples.

Abnormal semen structure cannot effectively transport sperm to the egg.

The reasons for these problems in men;

Possible causes of infertility in women;

Medical Conditions Causing Female Infertility;

In most cases of unknown infertility, inflammatory processes may be involved or antibodies may have developed against hormones, clotting factors, and reproductive tissues such as testicles and ovaries. Endometriosis is an important factor stimulating inflammatory processes.

Infertility is a very common problem and many factors can cause it. However, today’s developing technology and treatment methods provide treatment success and solve the problem in most of the couples experiencing this problem. The first and biggest step in these treatments is to determine the factor that causes infertility. In order to achieve this, there are versatile studies that are both applied in the clinical environment and tested in the laboratories.

Before proceeding with the research for the diagnosis, it is always essential to take the history of the couples and perform the physical examination with the principle of “there is no disease, there is a patient”. After this stage, the order and priority of the research to be done may change according to the situation of the couples, but some examinations should be done in infertile couples.

The tests to be performed in infertile couples can be listed as follows:

Infertility Tests for Male Individuals;

In some cases, if pregnancy does not occur, couples should be investigated without waiting for one year.

These situations are:

Couples may also encounter infertility problems when they want to have a child again after taking a break for a while after having a child. By definition, it is the situation where pregnancy does not occur despite one year of unprotected sexual intercourse. As an approach, after the clinical history and physical examination, the necessary examinations and investigation of the couples are followed.