
Recombinant Human IgG1 Monoclonal Ab

Recombinant Human IgG1 Monoclonal Ab

We are working in our Test Laboratory. Please call 444 7 522 to learn the discounted price for SGK members.

It progresses at high levels in inflammatory diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Crohn’s Disease, Plaque Psoriasis, and is used in the diagnosis and treatment of such diseases.

Anti-Adalimum Ab Test Information

Reference Values

-Quantitative Limit: <0.6 ug/mL
Results of 0.6 or higher indicate detection of Adalimum
In the presence of anti-Adalimum antibodies, Adalimum substance levels reflect the antibody-free fraction of Adalimum concentration in serum.
Anti-Adalimum Antibody
-Quantitation Limit: <25 ng/mL

Results of 25 or higher indicate detection of anti-Adalimum antibodies.
All positive antibody results are confirmed by confirmatory testing.
Low antibody titer <100 ng/mL has no significant effect on free drug level.
Borderline antibody titer of 101-300 ng/mL, variable effect at free drug level.
High antibody titer > 301 ng/mL, significant effect on free drug level.